SSH over SSH: down the rabbit hole to bypass firewalls
Some days ago I needed to work from home, accessing my work desktop (running Linux, of course), so I engaged the great and trustworthy SSH.
I DIDN’T KNOW, though, that as any secure laboratory, the one in which I work has a firewall, and any external access to port 22 (SSH’s port) is blocked. But we have a fileserver that is open (can be accessed externally through SSH). So I could log into the fileserver and then, from there, log into my work desktop (called “dunkel”). Using this approach isn’t much practical, and file copies and other common operations (like using sshfs) were impossible. So I decided to direct my SSH traffic through an SSH tunnel to get where I wanted to go. Seems a mess, doesn’t it? Relax, it’s simple, I’ll explain…
I used an SSH connection to the open fileserver to build a tunnel connecting my home computer to the lab’s internal network. With this tunnel established, any data orginated from my home PC will seem to have originated from the fileserver, and any data reaching the fileserver will be forwarded to my home PC. The generic command to establish the tunnel goes like this:
ssh -f -N -L <local_port>:<blocked_computer>:22 user@open_machine
The -L
option tells SSH to do all the redirection (build the tunnel). Options -f
and -N
tell SSH to establish only the tunnel (and execute nothing else) and give back control of the terminal to the user. local_port
is the port on your home PC and can be any free TCP port; blocked_machine
is the name of the not accessible machine behind the firewall. With my personal parameters filled in, the command turned out to be like this:
ssh -f -N -L 4242:dunkel:22
AFTER the tunnel is established, you can connect to port local_port on your PC, and the magic tunnel will take care of the rest. The beforehand blocked machine will then welcome you. It’s not actually magic, just technology :P
ssh -p 4242 joaopizani@localhost
So this is it! Soon I should be posting more command-line ninja skillz. I’ve been using several of them recently, going back to the good ’n old geeky times :)