All the books I have (on paper or e-books):
- The Prince (Machiavelli)
- The Film Club (David Gilmour) - Gift from Julia :)
- Computer Networks (Andrew S. Tanenbaum)
- The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy (Douglas Adams) - Gift from Besen :)
- Gödel, Escher, Bach (Douglaas R. Hofstadter)
- The Demon-haunted World (Carl Sagan)
- Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland (Lewis Carroll)
- Grundlegung zur Metaphysik der Sitten (Immanuel Kant)
- Surely you’re joking Mr. Feynmann (Richard P. Feynmann)
- Gatos Ariscos (Leatrice Moellmann)
- A Pata da Gazela (José de Alencar)
- The Music of the Primes (Marquis de Sautoy) - Gift from Felipe :)
- Lolita (Vladimir Nabokov)
- Kijk op Kaas (Teus Hoogerwaard)
A lot of textbooks and reference manuals also find their place over there:
- Introduction to Linear Algebra (Salahoddin Shokranian)
- Real Analysis - vol. 1 (Elon Lages Lima)
- Linear Algebra (Elon Lages Lima)
- Discrete Mathematical Structures for Computer Science (Bernard Kolman e Robert Busby)
- Compilers - Principles, Techniques and Tools (Aho, Sethi, Ullman)
- Statistics for Engineering and Computer Science (Pedro Alberto Barbetta